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Product selection

E 'can choose the desired product by navigating within the Categories and Subcategories present on the left side of the site and accessing it directly to the product or list of products.
Once you find the product you want to buy will be sufficient to indicate the amount nell'appostio text field, then click on the "add to cart" button.

In the "Shopping" section you will find the list of selected products, with the ability to modify the quantities (by clicking Update) or remove products (click Delete), who no longer want to buy. By clicking on "Complete your purchase button" you will be directed in the data entry page required to complete the purchase.


However, you are registered with us you can avail good discounts on the purchase of customized products.
Once you completed the purchase will be automatically sent an email to the address indicated during data entry with the riepiligo of all purchases and the bank needed when paying by bank transfer.
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