Adapters reduction PTFE ZL Series
Beakers (PTFE) BH Series
Graduated Beakers (PFA) BH Series
Erlenmeyer Flasks (PTFE) BH Series
Wide-Mouth Bottles (PFA) with Conical Neck
Wide-Mouth Bottles (PTFE)
Wide-Mouth Bottles (PTFE) with Conical Neck
Wash bottles (PFA) BH Series
Scrubber Bottles (PFA)
Evaporating Dishes (PTFE) Low Form BH Series
Evaporating Dishes Conical Shape (PTFE)
Measuring Cylinders (PTFE) BH Series
Scrubber Columns (FPE/PTFE)
Jars with screw cap (PFA) BH Series
Containers with screw cap with 2 connectors (PFA) BH Series
Micro Scrubber (PFA) BH Series
Round Bottom Flasks (PFA) with two Ground Joint Necks BH Series
Round Bottom Flasks (PFA) with Threaded GL Necks BH Series
Round Bottom Flasks (PFA) with Threaded GL Necks BH Series
Round Bottom Flasks (PFA) with one central Ground Joint Neck BH Series
Test tubes (PTFE) PT Series
Thermo Beakers (PTFE) BH Series